The students’ Grievance and Redressal Cell (SGRC) has been a very useful concept in the educational institutions of all types in general and higher education in particular. It is proved to be an effective instrument in building the bridge between the students and the administration in the campus. Prevention is better than cure is a common saying and in the same way the grievances are sometimes required to be addressed as quickly as possible, before, in fact they are brought to the table of the educational administrators.

In light of this, the College has formed Grievance Redressal Cell, to provide a mechanism for redressal of students’ grievances . Primarily, the cell is to look into the complaints lodged by any students relating to their grievances within the institution.


  • To promote a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious academic atmosphere in the institution.
  • Facilitating the Students to express their grievances/problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized.
  • Enabling the students to put in writing their grievances and suggestions for improving the Academics/Administration in the College into the Suggestion/complaint Box.
  • To act as an effective instrument in building the bridge between the students and the administration in the campus.
  • Guiding the Students to refrain from instigating the students against other Students, teachers and College administration.


The cell shall make speedy disposal of the Grievances received in writing from the students relating to the following matters:

  • Academic Matters: Related to teaching- learning problems, library issues and examination related matters.
  • Financial Matters: Related to dues and payments.
  • Other Matters: Related to support services, infrastructure and student union related matters. 

Procedure for submitting Grievance:

  • The students having any grievance, relating to any of the above matters, may freely to put up a grievance and drop the same in Grievance/Suggestions Boxes. The written grievance must carry the complaint based on facts enclosing appropriate proof.
  • Students can register their compliance through this e-Mail: [email protected] 

Working of the Cell:

  • The Academic Assistant will be responsible for clearing the Grievance Box on daily basis.
  • On receipt of written grievances from the students, the Cell will act promptly It will examine all cases and will give report to the principal
  • The Cell will ensure that the grievance has been properly solved within stipulated time limit.


Grievance Redressal Committee Members:

Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Dr. Kangki Megu, Principal Chairman
2 Dr. M.K. Jana, HoD, Commerce, Associate Professor (Senior most faculty from Commerce) Member
3 Dr. P.C Swain, HoD, Political Science, Associate Professor (Senior most faculty from Arts) Member
4 Dr. P.M. Singh, HoD, Chemistry, Associate Professor (Senior most faculty from Scinece) Member
5 Mrs. Shanti Linggi, Coordinator, Women Cell, Assistant Professor, Commerce Member
6 Mr. Jeevantu Tikhak, Students’ Union Advisor, Assistant Professor, History Member